Today’s news / Christian views
April 25, 2009
Alan Chambers believes just the opposite: that the new gay marriage bonanza is a trap.“My major concern is that homosexuality is a counterfeit of what God intended us to experience in human sexuality…"
"My major concern is that homosexuality is a counterfeit of what God intended us to experience in human sexuality," said Chambers, president of Exodus International and a former homosexual who left the lifestyle 17 years ago. "There will be young people who are like I used to be, who will see homosexuality as their only option for happiness and relationship fulfillment. [Normalizing] gay marriage is a stumbling block for them. A lot of people look at this from a policy perspective. But I think of all of those hearts that are searching for something legitimate in a way that's absolutely not able to meet their need"
= Our love is fake.
“…said Chambers, president of Exodus International and a former homosexual who left the lifestyle 17 years ago.”
Former homosexual = used to think fake love was real, but now knows the difference (except for those pesky same-sex "temptations").
Left the [homosexual] lifestyle = left the sexually promiscuous lifestyle.
And apparently -- according to decades old San Francisco bath house studies -- it's true. Everyone who identifies as LGB or T has millions of sex partners in a lifetime.
Alan Chambers: "There will be young people who are like I used to be, who will see homosexuality as their only option for happiness and relationship fulfillment. [Normalizing] gay marriage is a stumbling block for them.”
Apparently the 99% of heterosexual relationships and weddings that young people are exposed to is all for naught. That 1% exposure to gay relationships is all it takes to convince gay teens that fake happiness is their "only option."
I can kind of see where he’s coming from. Since our love is fake, and the happiness that our relationships bring us is fake, our rights are fake too. Therefore, denying us our rights (and eventually our relationships), isn’t really denying us anything at all.
From Exodus:
No one is saying that change is easy… …But we find hundreds of former homosexuals who have found a large degree of change--attaining abstinence from homosexual behaviors [celibacy], lessening of homosexual temptations [denial], strengthening their sense of masculine or feminine identity [behavior], correcting distorted styles of relating with members of the same and opposite gender [behavior]. Some former homosexuals marry and some don't, but marriage is not the measuring stick; spiritual growth and obedience are.And there’s the rub. The goal isn't heterosexuality, it’s all about being a good anti-gay Christian.
If you’re Jewish or atheist or Hindu with unwanted same-sex attractions, you’ll just have to convert if you want the help of Exodus.
Otherwise, you can go to hell, literally.
From that same page:
Studies suggesting change rates in the range of 30-50% are not unusual, although "success rates" vary considerably and the measurement of change is problematic. For details and review of several studies, see the link below.Remember from above, “change” means: celibacy, denial, behavior, and behavior -- NOT heterosexuality. And the study they link to counts celibacy as successful “change.”
Not surprising, as the study is NOT peer reviewed, and admittedly sets the bar for success, nearly as low as it is possible to set a bar for success:
Chapter 1, page 15: The Exodus Project [conflict of interest, anyone?] reported here was directed at answering two simple questions: (1)…is it ever possible for an individual who has a homosexual orientation to change that orientation via religious means? (2) Is the attempt to change harmful, as so many today claim?As part of their “Christian Ethical Responses to Homosexual Behavior,” in their quest to define “homosexual behavior as a moral prohibition,” they endorse mass murder twice, on pages 55 and 57, by citing Leviticus 20:13, without so much as a whisper as to the immorality of such a position.
Leviticus 20:13: If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.
BTW, the authors of this 400 page propaganda piece: “Ex-gays? A Longitudinal Study of Religiously Mediated Change in Sexual Orientation,” are Stanton Jones and Mark Yarhouse.
Back to Alan Chambers: “A lot of people look at this from a policy perspective.”
Policy: course of action, rule, strategy, plan, guiding principle, guidelines, procedure, dogma, program
And voila, all we millions of LGBT Americans are reduced to a “this,” to be approached, taken, and understood as a "policy" issue.
Alan Chambers: "But I think of all of those hearts that are searching for something legitimate in a way that's absolutely not able to meet their need"
Who the intercourse is he to speak for every LGBT person on the planet?
And on a personal note, I have NEVER seen him wax passionate about his relationship with his wife, his job, his children, nor do I recall ever having seen him genuinely smile. It’s like he’s an empty shell just going through the motions.
You'd think this "genuine" love that he's discovered (to the rest of our chagrin) would produce some sort of discernable liveliness.
Of course that absence of passion might make sense if your true goal was to be “right.” Naturally, the more you force the outside world to conform to your inside world, the more “right” you can pretend to be.
what's funny, to me, is the fact that our 'democracy' harks back to a culture that condoned gay relationships. it was used, by the Athenians, as a method of keeping the troops happy.
in fact, in most Greek city states, if a young man did not find other men attractive, he wasn't forced into a gay relationship but it was considered a malady not spoken of in polite company.
and Lesbos had its own L/G culture, too.
the Judean culture that wrote the Bible condemned gay relationships because they perceived them as being childless. thus, the woman's job of producing more soldiers for the state was interfered with.
The cultures used or condemned gayness for precisely the same outcomes-- war.
but-- WE modeled our country on the Greek culture. and we now condemn a basic part of it.
it would be funny if it weren't tragic in so many ways.
It must be torture being Alan, Randy or any of the other professional "ex-gays".
It's obvious they're obsessed with sex, and unfortunately for them, they also believe your life revolves around your sexual orientation.
Fortunately for me and other gays like myself, our sexual orientation doesn't control our lives.
If anything, my life revolves around collecting music LOL! I don't do bars or clubs; I'm single and not actively searching. And I have more than enough things to do to occupy my time.
The paid "ex-gays" are REALLY missing out, because there's more to life than sexual orientation, and living and breathing what everyone else is up to in their own bedrooms.
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