Monday, April 21, 2008

Watch the Day of Truth video

And then throw up.

Full text of their 38 second ad (and yes, I counted the ticks):
tick... tick... tick... tick... tick... tick... tick... tick... tick... tick... tick... tick... tick... tick...

It’s time, for an honest conversation about homosexuality. Visit day of truth dot org, and sign up to break the silence.

On Monday April 28th, share the truth about homosexual behavior.

tick... tick... tick... tick... tick... tick... tick... tick... tick... tick... tick... tick...

"Day of Truth" is in response to the Day of Silence. You can watch their much more edifying video and message here.
And now back to "Day of Truth" Sabotage:

"Behavior" is anti-gay code for sexual perversion / promiscuity. Thus, their response to the attention brought to bullying and violence against GLBT students, is to "share the truth" that gay students are sexual perverts - thereby increasing the likelihood of bullying and violence against GLBT youth.

It should be noted that the Alliance Defense Fund is responsible for this effort. A legal organization designed by Dobson and ilk to sue anyone who does not unequivocally bow to their brand of religious supremacism.

From their "hostile questions about the Day of Truth":
4. Why are you focusing on this sin and ignoring all the others?

There is no irrelevant sin in the Bible. All sins are wicked in the eyes of God. The Bible is clear in its condemnation of adultery, false witness, theft, and murder, to name just a few. We are all sinners who deserve condemnation, and it is only because of the love and saving grace of Jesus Christ that we can be reconciled to our Father and have eternal life.

However, there is no organized activist movement that exists worldwide today to legalize and encourage theft, adultery, or lying. But there is a mobilized movement that challenges God’s truth on a daily basis with regard to homosexual behavior. That is why we are responding to yesterday’s “Day of Silence” to counter attempts to legitimize and promote homosexual behavior.

It would seem that their goal is to equate same-sex attraction with the express desire to do harm.

It should also be noted that "God’s truth" defines the already legally-celebrated "sin" of remarriage--as being adulterous. It appears, however, that this sin is of no consequence to them, and to that extent, it would seem that neither is "God's truth."

Jame’s Dobson’s-Focus on the Family’s-Exodus International’s - Mike Ensley pens several articles on the Day of Truth website, one of which includes this gem:

From their "What if I’m Still Struggling" article:

As a single guy who continues to experience h same-sex attractions, these questions matter a heck of a lot to me. The world around me would say, "You're still gay and nothing can change it! Accepting it is the only thing that will make you happy." But, my faith in God's Word-as well as my conviction and my personal experience-tell me otherwise.
In response to DOS, and the "Allies" campaign-held in the fall, Exodus has produced a DVD called "Truth and Tolerance," in which Mike Ensley of Exodus repeats the above admission:

Do I still feel, homosexual attractions? Um, yeah. What do I think that means though? A lot of people would say, that means you’re still gay, that means you haven’t changed. Um, I don’t think that’s true, I think that is simply the result of, you know, I had a lot of pain in my life, and a lot of unmet needs that became sexualized, during really crucial formative years in my life, and, that isn’t just undone, in a therapy session, or in a week long retreat, and there’s no magic words for that. It’s just, I’m going to feel that to some degree, for a long time.
It would very much appear that this is the entirety of what Dobson/ADF/Exodus' Day of Truth is promoting as the be-all end-all solution to same-gender attraction: Hate the fact that you're gay, and shut the hell up about it.

In Jesus' name.

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