Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Bishop Harry Jackson loves like a rusty gate.

Re; DC votes to legalize gay marriage. Tip from Right Wing Watch.

RWW links to an article that addresses the DC's City Counsel's vote to legalize gay marriage.

From that article:
Opponents, however, said the issue is far from settled. Members of a group called Stand4Marriage, led by local pastor Bishop Harry Jackson, have met with members of Congress to urge them to oppose the bill...

..."If it gets to the vote, we win," he said, referencing the other states where residents overturned same-sex marriage laws.
One of the Biblical passages [1 Corinthians 13:1] Stand4Marriage quotes is thus:
If I speak with human eloquence and angelic ecstasy but don't love, I'm nothing but the creaking of a rusty gate.
Stand4marriage then goes on to state the rest of the verse that explains the 'true' meaning of love, (essentially, that it's unconditional).

This coming from a man who asserts in his book---The Truth in Black & white---that homosexuality is a choice [p147].

This chosen belief about LGBT persons is a common excuse to justify the non-passage of pro-equality laws.

I vote that his love is of the "rusty gate" kind.
Much more on Jackson here.

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