This is from some time ago, but note the last square/rectangle (click on cartoon to see the louder image):

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For more of Tom Tomorrow's satirical cartoonage...
10-20-09Is everyone terrified yet?
'Ally Week' Pushes Gay Agenda
GLSEN's week long effort uses the anti-bullying message as a springboard to indoctrinate students with the homosexual agenda.
Cushman said events like Ally Week play directly into the activist's plans.
"GLSEN is using this so-called anti-bullying event to transform students into lobbyists for its adult agenda," she said, "for things like pro-gay legislation currently proposed in the U.S. House."
I believe all students, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression,deserve to feel safe and supported. That means I pledge to:The nerve of those insidious gays and their agenda “to transform students into lobbyists” for the protection of their fellow students!
-Not use anti-LGBT language and slurs;
-Intervene, if I safely can, in situations where other students are being harassed;
-Support efforts to end bullying and harassment.
Wait a minute, aren't you the ones who hate gays?In other words, “We don't hate gay liars.”
If that's what you think, it's about time you stop believing the lie that people with different beliefs about sexuality hate those who embrace homosexuality.
4. We believe that a homosexual, bisexual or transgender identity and/or behavior are outside of the intentional design of human relationships and sexuality, and therefore aren’t what’s best for us, regardless of whether we are drawn to them.You are free to “reject.” You are also free to be labeled hateful, bigoted, and homophobic.
6. We reject the notion that these beliefs somehow amount to hatred, bigotry, or a “phobia.”
[Candi] Cushman said events like Ally Week play directly into the activist's plans.Again, Candi, why not counter these "gay activist" indoctrination techniques with Exodus International’s already tried and true “Allies, Too” week?
Senate Hearing Focuses on Domestic-Partner BenefitsVia CBS news:
Lawmakers discuss expanding benefits for federal workers, but largely ignore the cost to taxpayers.
The Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act (S. 1102) includes health and disability insurance, an expansion of family-leave programs, life and long-term care insurance and other compensation.
The Congressional Budget Office has calculated the cost of implementing the bill at more than $1 billion over 10 years. Democrat committee members are expected to largely ignore the price tag.
Bush Administration Adds $4 Trillion To National DebtEach time you go up a notch, eg; thousand, million, billion, trillion, it is 1,000 times the previous number.
On the day President Bush took office, the national debt stood at $5.727 trillion. The latest number from the Treasury Department shows the national debt now stands at more than $9.849 trillion. That’s a 71.9 percent increase on Mr. Bush’s watch.
This is for all you hate filled people who feel the need to spew your venom at people who live their lives different than your own. There is no bigger indication of self-hatred and deeply rooted fear than when a person throws hate and anger upon the world.
As if the story of Matthew Shepard isn't terrible enough - picture this, sit with it for awhile and bring it to mind the next time you want to attack a "fag," "dyke" or "homo" - when Matt was found 18 hours after his beating, his head and face were caked with dried blood, and in the blood on his face was a trail leading down his cheeks from his eyes. This tells us Matt had been awake at some point after his beating and before he fell into a coma, he knew what had been done to him, he was in pain, he was scared and perhaps, he knew he was going to die - and so, he cried. Tied to a fence, unable to move, brain damaged and dying - this man cried. Does that break your heart? It should...if you have one. If the story of Matt Shepard doesn't shock and disgust you far greater than the idea of two people of the same gender loving each other, you're the one not right with God.
Song written and performed by Melissa Etheridge. She wrote the song in memory of Matt Shepard.
Thought Crimes Laws*
Exodus International believes that every human being is of equal value and worthy of the same treatment under the law. While Exodus International strongly opposes violent crimes and acts of aggression against any individual or group of individuals, thought crimes laws offer more legal protection to certain citizens based on their sexual preference alone. In addition, these laws pave the way to prosecute biblical beliefs about homosexuality, instead of prosecuting illegal actions that harm others.
* often called "hate crimes" laws by proponents
Activists Push for Expanded Anti-Bullying Bill in New YorkFrom the NYC Dept. of Education:
The New York City Department of Education is expanding its "Respect for All" anti-bullying program.
The Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network and the New York Civil Liberties Union are lobbying school officials to include a homosexual agenda in the program, according to family experts.
Randy Thomas, vice president of Exodus International, said that parents need to be aware that similar organizations may be trying to promote homosexuality in their schools.
"What gay activists are trying to do is take a legitimate problem, which bullying is, and turn it into an opportunity to spread gay ideology," Thomas said.
Second Phase of ‘Respect for All’ Initiative Expands Trainings for School Staff, Creates New Accountability StandardsHypocrisy aside, to use Mr. Thomas’ words:
Last year, the Department of Education added mandated reporting and investigation guidelines to its anti-bias “Respect for All” initiative, making New York City a national leader in efforts to combat bullying and harassment based on ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, and other factors.