Friday, May 2, 2008

Right Wing Watch video list of notable quotables.

Right Wing Watch (A Project of People For the American Way) has put together a video list of sound bites from a recent Coral Ridge Ministries broadcast, whose panelists consisted of:

Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council
Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel
Jordan Lorence of the Alliance Defense Fund
Gary DeMar of American Vision

Here’s the video (and ps, check out the bug eye shot at the 16 second mark, especially visible in the YouTube HQ version):

Religious Right Tells Pastors Christianity Being Suppressed

And here’s the transcript:

Host: There is a phenomenon today of sexual politics. Abortion is a symptom of sexual politics, the militant homosexual agenda is a symptom of sexual politics. It has been said that sexual politics is on a collision course with religious liberty. And that whenever sexual politics, or religious liberty, are fighting against each other, it seems like sexual politics always trumps religious liberty.

Mat Staver: There is this attempt to suppress Christian viewpoints, and I think the right of conscience of Christians, is a critical battle that we’re facing.

Jordan Lorence: This is not some, like, side issue, the right-wing agenda side issue, or something like that. But now what is happening is, is we’re getting cases, where if people speak out against, and say this is God’s standard on marriage and sexual morality [Host: Thirty seconds], they’re being silenced, by hate crime legislation, by anti-discrimination law.

Mat Staver: What I hear from some of these individuals is that if you have a religious, but particularly a Christian view, you’re not welcome, it’s a second class citizen, and they want to suppress that. And following up on what Jordan was saying, the agenda that he was talking about in terms of the sexual politics, the homosexual agenda - is not about tolerance, it’s about absolute dominance of that worldview against any other worldview, particularly Christian, that says people have morality, and marriage is between a man and woman. That’s what the clash is, is to dominate that worldview.

Tony Perkins: And the idea that there should be no religious test that would preclude people who have a certain religious denomination affiliation, from serving in government, that has been turned on it’s head [Host: Yes, yes.] to say that if you have a particular faith or denomination, in which you actually believe it, and you apply it to your lives, therefore, if that’s the case, you can’t serve in government. You have to somehow choose between actually believing what you believe, and serving in government. That’s how this is being applied today and it is totally wrong, and we’re losing the Christian foundation of our nation---if you want to see a totalitarian government, you want to see rights that are lost, and freedoms abused, then you lose the Christian heritage of this nation, and you go down the path that the liberals are taking us, and that’s where it’ll be found.

Mat Staver: In every totalitarian regime in world history, one of the first things it always sought to do was to suppress Christianity. That’s what happened in the former Soviet Union.

Gary DeMar: You go back to Nazi Germany, Martin Niemoller, a pastor in Germany, the Gestapo went into his church, stenographers took down what he had to say, and used that against him, and he ended up spending time in a concentration camp.

Tony Perkins: You will see that multiplied immensely if the congress is successful in passing the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, and the Hate Crimes legislation. I mean, it’ll be discrimination on steroids - as they come after churches who refuse to hire homosexuals in their church office, in their schools, in their day-cares, or Christian business. And what it gives the radical homosexuals, those who are pushing this agenda, not all the homosexuals are out there trying to shove this down peoples throats. [Host: That’s why I like to always use the phrase militant homosexuals.] It is that group that will use this will the leverage of the hammer of the state, through the EEOC, to beat up on, beat into submission, businesses and churches, simply because of the intimidation and the cost factor associated with defending themselves.

Jordan Lorence: And to me, one of the most irritating things I find, is that guys like Mat Staver, and Jay Sekulow, and us, really have-are not committed to personal liberty. And that what we do is sort of this means to the end, and then once we take over, we’re going to impose this Taliban type rule and make everybody slap on [Host: The armband.], you know, uh, stars of David, I think that’s what he meant, not armbands, I think they wore stars of David. And I would say, you look at the cases that Liberty Counsel is doing, and the Alliance Defense Fund, and the American Center for Law and Justice, and there is more of a commitment to traditional American civil liberties, than the ACLU and the homosexual activists, who are into coercing unwilling people to do things, and to silence them, and all of that. There is an authoritarianism to that, that they are in total denial about, and they masquerade it, and then say that we’re the fascists, and I just find that very offensive, and totally inaccurate.


Just like the thief who thinks everyone is stealing from them...
Just like the liar who thinks everyone is lying to them...
Jordan Lorence of the Alliance Defense Fund thinks...
the ACLU and the homosexual activists, who are into coercing unwilling people to do things, and to silence them, and all of that. There is an authoritarianism to that, that they are in total denial about

It’s called projection Jordan, look it up.

Mat Staver: In every totalitarian regime in world history, one of the first things it always sought to do was to suppress Christianity.

World history, a scant 2000 years old. Photobucket

And finally (at least as far as I'm running with this), FRC's Tony Perkins:

Tony Perkins: And what it gives the radical homosexuals, those who are pushing this agenda, not all the homosexuals are out there trying to shove this down peoples throats.

Host: That’s why I like to always use the phrase "militant homosexuals."

Once again, let’s get this code-speak straight:

If you are gay, and believe you deserve equal protection under the law, you are automatically a "homosexual activist." Because just by being alive, you "seek" protection.

If you are gay and are actively working toward equal protection for all gays, then you are a "militant homosexual activist."

If you are gay and not "trying to shove this down peoples throats," then you are in the closet.

And once again, no, you B’s and T’s are not included in the discussion (and I‘d bet my house that when they‘re talking about “homosexuals,” they’re only talking about we G’s. So unfortunately, you monogamous L’s don’t count either.).

But there's always tomorrow... ;)

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